The television show that is currently being binged upon is Netflix's "Making a Murderer." This is a documentary series which follows a man convicted of rape who is later exonerated by DNA evidence. He is subsequently charged with murder and the series follows the case over ten years. Customers who have access to Netflix will be watching and discussing the series while customers who have no access to Netflix will hear about it and will be anxious to get their hands on the series when released on DVDs.
The Readers' Advisory Conversation:
Customer: "I have been watching this "Making a Murderer" series and I just can't get enough of it. Do you have anything similar?"
Readers' Advisor: "I have hear about it but I haven't watched it. Tell me about it and what you specifically like about it."
C: "It is about this guy who goes to jail, then gets out of jail and then goes to jail again. I was so fascinated by all of the legal issues, how evidence is used and how it seems that no one knows the truth."
RA: "That's crazy! I love movies and books that look at true crime. You said that you liked watching the legal issues. Are you interested in murderers in general or just ones who have their convictions questioned?"
C: "Nah, I hate that serial murderers stuff. I want something that challenges my assumptions about the court case? Anyone else who has been exonerated?"
RA: "Did you want books or films right now?"
C: "More movies, just movies right now."
RA: "Great, I'll give you some suggestions."
The Search:
Start with a catalogue search, limit your search to DVDs. Search using search terms such as: "murder," "trials," "criminal investigation," and "criminal justice, administration of." Do not limit your searches to just fiction DVDs as many of these films are documentaries.
Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hill (1996), Paradise Lost 2: Revelations (1999), Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory (2012) and West of Memphis (2013). Atom Egoyan directed a fictionalization of this real-life court case called, Devil's Knot (2013).
The Jeffrey Dahmer Files (2012)
The Thin Blue Line (1988)
Murder on a Sunday Morning (2003)
Capturing the Friedmans (2003) - this films features a child abuse case but is focused on the trial
An Unreal Dream: The Michael Morton's Story (2013)
The Central Park Five (2012)
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