My co-worker first brought it to my attention as we have seen a huge up-tick in the circulation of bodice-rippers in electronic format. My co-worker is the head of selection and says that if it has a duke or lord in the title, it is going to be big with readers. These books are far less modest that they were even 5 years ago, combining a historical context with the eroticism of "Fifty Shades of Grey." Erotic romances are also quite popular and sure-fire bets when it comes to circulation.
While popular, these books are eschewed by library journals who favour literary and award-winning works. Good smut is hard to find! Enter the writers for this blog, who have actually been slaving away for ten years to bring romance content to those involved in readers' advisory. Sarah Wendell maintains her position as co-creator and she has authored a few books on the topic.
The blog features reviews and alerts for items which sit clearly in the romance genre. There are few sites that focus exclusively on this genre and provide information for library staff and readers' advisors. As a selector, it is a useful tool to identify what may be flying under the radar of the library journals but what readers are clamouring to get their hands on.
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